Getting started with vSphere PowerShell PowerCLI and PowerNSX – PowerShell extensions for NSX

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Last week figured out how to script vSphere related stuff with Python. This week it is time for something new... how can we "script" vSphere stuff using PowerShell and how can we script NSX related stuff in particular.

So this is a list of steps (if you are really getting started) that you need to take to get started!

  1. Install Windows
  2. Install vSphere PowerShell
  3. Install the DEVELOPMENT VERSION of NSX PowerShell add-on (manually)
  4. Connect to vCenter Server (trough PowerShell)
  5. Connect to NSX Manager (trough PowerShell)
  6. View available NSX PowerShell commands
  7. Verify if connection is working correctly with some “Get Commands”

Install Windows

In order to work with PowerShell this one is pretty obvious I guess ... but as this is like a "beginners" guide I have to mention it. Once you installed Windows (I tested it on Windows 2012 R2) the you will have access to the PowerShell command Line.

Install vSphere PowerShell

Before I stared I tried to retrieve some information that was already available on the internet an I found this useful blog post.

Now before you can "use" vSphere PowerShell you need to install it first.

The latest version can be downloaded here. The installation is fairly simple its just click Next, Next and Next and accept the license agreement that nobody ever reads and you have installed vSphere PowerShell. From now on you can do "things" with your current vSphere environment. For now we are not going to go deeper into this because our goal is to do "things" with our NSX environment.

Install the DEVELOPMENT VERSION of NSX PowerShell add–on 〈manually〉

You probably noticed the title said "Install the DEVELOPMENT VERSION of NSX PowerShell add-on". This is because there is also a RELEASED version available here.

The reason why I specifically want the DEVELOPMENT version is because this DEVELOPMENT version supports more commands so you can do more then the RELEASED version. The DEVELOPMENT version can be downloaded here.

Some useful links in the process of installing NSX PowerShell where this and this link.

Because I was too fast and dod not READ properly I initially installed the “automatic" NSX PowerShell version which installs the RELEASE version. And I needed to have the DEVELOPMENT version that has more capabilities.

So I download the powernsx.psm1 file (development one) here. I actually just opened the RAW version and copy/pasted the tekst into Notepad++ and saved it as “powernsx.psm1” and saved it in the C:\ root. Because I still have not figured out how this GitHub stuff works... And I needed to uninstall the RELEASED version and install the DEVELOPMENT version.

PowerCLI C:\> remove-module powernsx
PowerCLI C:\> import-module powernsx.psm1

When you IMPORT the module make sure you are "sitting" in the same directory as where you are installing it from. My powernsx.psm1 file / module was just in C:\ (the root).

Connect to vCenter Server 〈trough PowerShell〉

First we need to connect to the vCenter Server and when we do this the script asks to put in a username / password with enough rights to perform the needed actions. We use the vCenter Server admin credentials for this.

PowerCLI C:\> Connect-VIServer

cmdlet Connect-VIServer at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Server[0]:  dc1-pod11-vcsa-01
WARNING: There were one or more problems with the server certificate for the
server dc1-pod11-vcsa-01:443:

* The X509 chain could not be built up to the root certificate.

* The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.

Certificate: [Subject]
  C=US, CN=dc1-pod11-vcsa-01.pod11.local

  OU=VMware, O=dc1-pod11-vcsa-01.pod11.local, S=California, C=US, DC=local,
DC=pod11, CN=CA

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
  6/16/2016 9:06:16 AM

[Not After]
  6/11/2026 9:06:15 AM


The server certificate is not valid.

FUTURE RELEASE. To ensure scripts are not affected by the change, use
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration to set a value for the InvalidCertificateAction

Name                           Port  User
----                           ----  ----
root ##b##dc1-pod11-vcsa-01              443   POD11.LOCAL\Administrator

PowerCLI C:\>

Connect to NSX Manager 〈trough PowerShell〉

Then we need to connect to the NSX Manager and when we do this the script asks to put in a username / password with enough rights to perform the needed actions. We use the NSX Manager admin credentials for this.

PowerCLI C:\>  Connect-NsxServer

cmdlet Connect-NsxServer at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
 The property 'VersionInfo' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the
 property exists.
 At C:\PowerNSX.psm1:2874 char:81
 + ... ion" -value
 "$($response.VersionInfo.majorVersion).$($response.VersionInfo.minor ...
 +                    22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)[[User:Iwan Hoogendoorn|Iwan Hoogendoorn]] ([[User talk:Iwan Hoogendoorn|talk]]) 22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)
     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], PropertyNotFoundException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFoundStrict

 The property 'VersionInfo' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the
 property exists.
 At C:\PowerNSX.psm1:2874 char:119
 + ... ajorVersion).$($response.VersionInfo.minorVersion).$($response.VersionInf
 o.patch ...
 +                    22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)[[User:Iwan Hoogendoorn|Iwan Hoogendoorn]] ([[User talk:Iwan Hoogendoorn|talk]]) 22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)
     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], PropertyNotFoundException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFoundStrict

 The property 'VersionInfo' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the
 property exists.
 At C:\PowerNSX.psm1:2874 char:157
 + ... inorVersion).$($response.VersionInfo.patchVersion)" -force
 +                    22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)[[User:Iwan Hoogendoorn|Iwan Hoogendoorn]] ([[User talk:Iwan Hoogendoorn|talk]]) 22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)
     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], PropertyNotFoundException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFoundStrict

 The property 'VersionInfo' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the
 property exists.
 At C:\PowerNSX.psm1:2875 char:85
 + ... ber" -value "$($response.VersionInfo.BuildNumber)"
 +                    22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)22:06, 31 July 2016 (CEST)[[User:Iwan Hoogendoorn|Iwan Hoogendoorn]] ([[User talk:Iwan Hoogendoorn|talk]])
     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], PropertyNotFoundException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFoundStrict

 Using existing PowerCLI connection to

Version             : ..
BuildNumber         :
Credential          : System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
Server              :
Port                : 443
Protocol            : https
ValidateCertificate : False
VIConnection        : dc1-pod11-vcsa-01.pod11.local
DebugLogging        : False
DebugLogFile        : C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PowerNSXLog-admin@19

I am getting some errors in the above output and this is because I was connecting to an NSX Manager version 6.2.3 and apparently this is not a fully supported version... but hey it eventually worked in the end (even with these errors).

View available NSX PowerShell commands

Now we have connected to both the vCenter Server and the NSX Manager we can start looking at the list of "available" commands that we can use with PowerNSX.

PowerCLI C:\> Get-Command -Module PowerNSX

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
----     ----                                               ----------
Function        Add-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress                        PowerNSX
Function        Add-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember                      PowerNSX
Function        Add-NsxLoadBalancerVip                             PowerNSX
Function        Add-NsxSecurityGroupMember                         PowerNSX
Function        Add-XmlElement                                     PowerNSX
Function        Check-PowerCliAsemblies                            PowerNSX
Function        Clear-NsxEdgeInterface                             PowerNSX
Function        Connect-NsxServer                                  PowerNSX
Function        Disconnect-NsxServer                               PowerNSX
Function        Format-XML                                         PowerNSX
Function        Get-FeatureStatus                                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxBackingDVSwitch                             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxBackingPortGroup                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxCliDfwAddrSet                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxCliDfwFilter                                PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxCliDfwRule                                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxClusterStatus                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxController                                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdge                                        PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeBgp                                     PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeCertificate                             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeCsr                                     PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeInterface                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress                        PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeNat                                     PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeNatRule                                 PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeOspf                                    PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeOspfArea                                PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeOspfInterface                           PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgePrefix                                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule                      PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeRouting                                 PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeStaticRoute                             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxEdgeSubInterface                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxFirewallRule                                PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxFirewallSection                             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxHostUvsmLogging                             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxIpPool                                      PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxIpSet                                       PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLoadBalancer                                PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile              PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor                         PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLoadBalancerPool                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember                      PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLoadBalancerVip                             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouter                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgp                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour                   PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterInterface                      PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspf                           PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea                       PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix                         PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterRouting                        PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute                    PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxLogicalSwitch                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxMacSet                                      PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSecurityGroup                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSecurityGroupEffectiveMembers               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSecurityPolicy                              PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSecurityTag                                 PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSecurityTagAssignment                       PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSegmentIdRange                              PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxService                                     PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSpoofguardNic                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSpoofguardPolicy                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSslVpn                                      PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSslVpnAuthServer                            PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage             PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSslVpnIpPool                                PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork                        PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxSslVpnUser                                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxTransportZone                               PowerNSX
Function        Get-NsxVdsContext                                  PowerNSX
Function        Get-PowerNsxVersion                                PowerNSX
Function        Grant-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval                     PowerNSX
Function        Install-NsxCluster                                 PowerNSX
Function        Invoke-NsxCli                                      PowerNSX
Function        Invoke-NsxRestMethod                               PowerNSX
Function        Invoke-NsxWebRequest                               PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxAddressSpec                                 PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxAppliedToListNode                           PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxClusterVxlanConfig                          PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxController                                  PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdge                                        PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour                            PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeCsr                                     PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeInterfaceSpec                           PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeNatRule                                 PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeOspfArea                                PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeOspfInterface                           PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgePrefix                                  PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule                      PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeSelfSignedCertificate                   PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeStaticRoute                             PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeSubInterface                            PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxEdgeSubInterfaceSpec                        PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxFirewallRule                                PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxFirewallSection                             PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxIpPool                                      PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxIpSet                                       PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile              PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLoadBalancerMemberSpec                      PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor                         PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLoadBalancerPool                            PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouter                               PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour                   PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterInterface                      PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterInterfaceSpec                  PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea                       PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface                  PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix                         PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule             PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute                    PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxLogicalSwitch                               PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxMacSet                                      PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxManager                                     PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSecurityGroup                               PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSecurityTag                                 PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSecurityTagAssignment                       PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSegmentIdRange                              PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxService                                     PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSourceDestNode                              PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSpoofguardPolicy                            PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSslVpnAuthServer                            PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage             PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSslVpnIpPool                                PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork                        PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxSslVpnUser                                  PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxTransportZone                               PowerNSX
Function        New-NsxVdsContext                                  PowerNSX
Function        Parse-CentralCliResponse                           PowerNSX
Function        PrivateAdd-NsxEdgeVnicAddressGroup                 PowerNSX
Function        Publish-NsxSpoofguardPolicy                        PowerNSX
Function        Redeploy-NsxEdge                                   PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxCluster                                  PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxClusterVxlanConfig                       PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdge                                     PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeBgpNeighbour                         PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeCertificate                          PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeCsr                                  PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeInterfaceAddress                     PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeNatRule                              PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeOspfArea                             PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeOspfInterface                        PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgePrefix                               PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeRedistributionRule                   PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeStaticRoute                          PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxEdgeSubInterface                         PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxFirewallRule                             PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxFirewallSection                          PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxIpSet                                    PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLoadBalancerApplicationProfile           PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLoadBalancerMonitor                      PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLoadBalancerPool                         PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLoadBalancerPoolMember                   PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLoadBalancerVip                          PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouter                            PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterBgpNeighbour                PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterInterface                   PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfArea                    PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterOspfInterface               PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterPrefix                      PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterRedistributionRule          PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalRouterStaticRoute                 PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxLogicalSwitch                            PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxMacSet                                   PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSecurityGroup                            PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSecurityGroupMember                      PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSecurityPolicy                           PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSecurityTag                              PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSecurityTagAssignment                    PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSegmentIdRange                           PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxService                                  PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSpoofguardPolicy                         PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSslVpnClientInstallationPackage          PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSslVpnIpPool                             PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSslVpnPrivateNetwork                     PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxSslVpnUser                               PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxTransportZone                            PowerNSX
Function        Remove-NsxVdsContext                               PowerNSX
Function        Revoke-NsxSpoofguardNicApproval                    PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxEdge                                        PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxEdgeBgp                                     PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxEdgeInterface                               PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxEdgeNat                                     PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxEdgeOspf                                    PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxEdgeRouting                                 PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxHostUvsmLogging                             PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxLoadBalancer                                PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxLogicalRouterBgp                            PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxLogicalRouterInterface                      PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxLogicalRouterOspf                           PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxLogicalRouterRouting                        PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxManager                                     PowerNSX
Function        Set-NsxSslVpn                                      PowerNSX
Function        Test-WebServerSSL                                  PowerNSX
Function        Update-PowerNsx                                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-AddressGroupSpec                          PowerNSX
Function        Validate-DistributedSwitch                         PowerNSX
Function        Validate-Edge                                      PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeBgpNeighbour                          PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeCertificate                           PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeCsr                                   PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeInterface                             PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeInterfaceAddress                      PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeInterfaceSpec                         PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeNat                                   PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeNatRule                               PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeOspfArea                              PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeOspfInterface                         PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgePrefix                                PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeRedistributionRule                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeRouting                               PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeSslVpn                                PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeSslVpnClientPackage                   PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeSslVpnIpPool                          PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeSslVpnPrivateNetwork                  PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeSslVpnUser                            PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeStaticRoute                           PowerNSX
Function        Validate-EdgeSubInterface                          PowerNSX
Function        Validate-FirewallAppliedTo                         PowerNSX
Function        Validate-FirewallRuleSourceDest                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-IpPool                                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancer                              PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancerApplicationProfile            PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancerMemberSpec                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancerMonitor                       PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancerPool                          PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancerPoolMember                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LoadBalancerVip                           PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouter                             PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterBgpNeighbour                 PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterInterface                    PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterInterfaceSpec                PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterOspfArea                     PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterOspfInterface                PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterPrefix                       PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterRedistributionRule           PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterRouting                      PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalRouterStaticRoute                  PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalSwitch                             PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroup       PowerNSX
Function        Validate-LogicalSwitchOrDistributedPortGroupOrS... PowerNSX
Function        Validate-SecurityGroupMember                       PowerNSX
Function        Validate-SecurityTag                               PowerNSX
Function        Validate-SegmentIdRange                            PowerNSX
Function        Validate-Service                                   PowerNSX
Function        Validate-SpoofguardNic                             PowerNSX
Function        Validate-SpoofguardPolicy                          PowerNSX
Function        Validate-TagAssignment                             PowerNSX
Function        Validate-TransportZone                             PowerNSX
Function        Validate-VdsContext                                PowerNSX
Function        Validate-VirtualMachine                            PowerNSX
Function        Where-NsxVMUsed                                    PowerNSX

PowerCLI C:\>

Wow! There is a lot that you can verify configure and even delete right?

Verify if connection is working correctly with some Get-Commands

I have issued two "test" commands that you can use to see if it is really working...

First we verify the PowerNsxVersion / Module that I have installed (manually).

PowerCLI C:\> Get-PowerNsxVersion

Version             Path                Author              CompanyName
----             ----                ------              -----------
root ##b##0.0                 C:\PowerNSX.psm1

Then we verify ALL my NSX Edge Services Gateways that I have deployed so far.

PowerCLI C:\> Get-NsxEdge

root ##b##id                : edge-1
version           : 5
status            : deployed
datacenterMoid    : datacenter-2
datacenterName    : DC1 - POD11
tenant            : default
name              : dc1-pod11-esg-01
fqdn              : dc1-pod11-esg-01
enableAesni       : true
enableFips        : false
vseLogLevel       : emergency
vnics             : vnics
appliances        : appliances
cliSettings       : cliSettings
features          : features
autoConfiguration : autoConfiguration
type              : gatewayServices
isUniversal       : false
hypervisorAssist  : false
queryDaemon       : queryDaemon
edgeSummary       : edgeSummary